
The ‘hammer grip pull up’ flexes and extends your back muscles along with strengthening the biceps brachii muscle and the ‘leg raise’ gives isometric contraction to the core, which results in strong abs.On Bench:Position yourself on the bench with your lower body on the bench and upper body in mid-air.Exhale and lower your upper body while holding on to the handles.Dead lift is not only one of the most recommended but also the most avoided movements of all the traditional exercises.You can either stick your feet on the bench or take partner support to hold your feet. Inhale and lift, stand straight while keeping the chest out.Inhale and with the support of the palms pull your upper body towards the ceiling. Many experts have said that if you could only do just one movement then ‘Deadlift’ is your movement. See to it that your knees are not bent during the movement.

Ajay Yadav is a fitness expert and managing director of LeoFlexPro.Place your feet on the foot rest and assume the position without bending the knees. I highly recommend that you include deadlift in your workout routine for overall body strength.While exhaling, lift both wholesale light box signs the legs as high as possible.Drop KicksPrimary Muscle — Glutes.On machine:Adjust the machine according to your height.

This is a very effective movement to reduce fat from your lower back.HyperextensionPrimary Muscle — Erector Spine (Back)Secondary Muscle —Glutes, hamstrings, QuadsHyperextension is one of the most effective movements of strengthening the lower back. This forges the curve of your back and defines your glutes. This advance movement is a combination of two movements. All the major muscle groups are hit by this movement.execution:Hold the rod handles with hammer grip keeping your arms extended.execution:This can be done either on the back extension machine or even on a bench.While inhaling lift your upper body.execution:Stand straight with widened legs with a  space of one foot in between.

The lift really works on your entire body. Weighted donkey kicksPrimary Muscle —  Glutes and hamstringsSecondary Muscle — Abs, armsThis movement shapes up your glutes and works on your hamstrings as well. Try to level your chin with the bar.Raise your right leg without bending your knee and move your leg in a circular motion from inside.Hammer grip Pull up to leg raisePrimary Muscle — Back muscles, Abdominal muscles, Hip flexor.Secondary Muscle — Pectoralis major and minor (chest muscles), rear deltoid (shoulders)This movement very effectively targets your lattisimus dorsi (back muscles) along with your core. This movement improves the mobility in the pelvic joint as it encourages full range of motion in the pelvic girdle.While making the circle, try to raise your leg as high as possible and also see to it that your body is not swinging too much. Since you will be supporting your weight on your arms, this move will strengthen your arms as well.Secondary Muscle — Hamstrings.Place your right foot on the smith machine and lift your leg up while supporting your weight on your  arms and left knee.Hold the barbell with either reverse or normal grip.execution:Stand shoulder width apart with the barbell positioned above your feet.Drop kicks are absolutely marvellous if you want to sharpen your love handles, reducing the belly fat.execution:Position yourself on all fours, with the same distance between your arms and knees.Cross your arms and place the palms on opposite shoulders.Lower your hips with a straight back. While exhaling bend your upper body forward.Dead LiftPrimary Muscle —  Hamstring, Quads, GlutesSecondary muscle — Back, Abs, grip strength, arms

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